Sunday, April 15, 2012

Van's Birth Story and Pictures

There is something about moms and loving to hear birth stories- amiright? As I am seeing our guy friends become dads, I have noticed they are just as much into hearing and sharing birth doesn't even matter if it's a scheduled C SECTION that was totally planned, we all love to hear every deet! Here is our deets on getting Van into the world!

It all started Feb. 16. We were finally given the ok to induce labor, and had an induction scheduled for 2.16.12...weeeeell everyone and their mom decided to give birth that day and the next and the next and the NEXT! It took us 4 days (around the clock) of calling the hospital and the hospital calling us saying there was no open rooms. I was seriously becoming paranoid i thought there was something wrong with our insurance and they didn't want us there...and thinking all kinds of strange things.  Not to mention finding people to watch the kids off and on throughout those 4 days was such a hassle...driving back to Ventura, and being sent home..driving back..and being sent home. I couldn't have shot someone. 

Well we FINALLY got a call on Monday evening that we could come in.  Did I mention the weekend we were trying to get in was a 4 day holiday weekend? So most nurses were on vacay mode and the L & D floor informed us they had a record number of births that weekend, higher than ever since the hospital opened, like 100 years ago, of COURSE.

So Monday evening..we get the call, my mom and dad run down to our house and we haul ass out to the hospital.  You might ask, "why were you in such a hurry to induce?"  We were very unsure of my due date, we had ultrasounds all over the board, so our Dr. wanted to go with the latest date to be safe. Which of course was the best idea.  I'm pretty sure I was about 1 1/2 weeks over due and my scaitic nerve was seriously driving me INSANE, it hurt so bad..and chasing after Fin and Curren all day I just wanted the baby O-U-T!

We get all checked in. "oh you're back!" "yes we're back. and we're not leaving, let's get this going"

The on call doctor was a DOUCHE if I do say so myself.  He waltzes in and says "alright lets get this thing going, we'll plug you into a high dose of pitocin...3rd baby in 3 years? we'll have this kid out in no time"


I asked if we could please start a low dose of pitocin, because I don't want to stress out my baby and slam him out, he then says, "oh I was under the impression you wanted to have a baby!, but thats fine we can do it your way"

Dick comment, noted.

I told him with my other two we did cervadil..let that sit over night and it kicked me into labor by the next morning, and with my 2nd i didnt even need pitocin at all.

"NO NEED" he says, 3rd baby, we'll have him out in no time.

"oooook" i say lets try it.

it's about 10:00 pm at this point and the pitocin kicks in very quickly, within an hour I am having contractions every minute to two minutes that were peaking off the chart, hurt like hell. I bounced on the yoga ball, rocked and rolled and squeaked that thing all over the room..checked me at midnight, still only at 1 cm..2 am, 3 am, 5 am...same story slammed with contractions all night and not dilating at all, did I mention it was back labor? I think I must be shaped to hold me kids posterior because all three have been that way, there is just no way to describe back labor it just hurts so effing bad! But you forget about it the second you meet your baby so don't worry, preggos.  I tried to let Ryan sleep cause I had a gut feeling this would not work and we would need to do something else, and I was going to need him tomorrow.  FYI if you need a doula, hire RYAN! He is an amazing birth partner, he's the best in the west! Dr. cruises in...well it looks like you're just not progressing. Let's try cervadil.

SON OF A BEE STING thats what I said, but it's cool it's cool....yeah i've been up all night laboring, didn't sleep at all and now have to start over AGAIN!

So we un plug the pitocin

and plug IN the cervadil.  This is about six am

I doze off here and there getting a little bit of sleep, at 9 am, Ryan suggests we start walking to get it going, so we walked and walked and walked! For about an hour and a half, and nothing. We came back to the room I sat down and all of the they come, contractions started and they picked up pretty quickly and were very regular, every 3 minutes. YAY! It's happening on my own!

Very exciting!

We continued to walk more until 2:00 and things picked up, I was at a 3 and just wanted to keep it going.  I then got into the shower, and HOLY CRIPES it got intense, and everything was still all in my back, I felt lots of tightening in my abdomen but the pain was in my back...while in the shower the nurse got me a stool to sit on cause my sciatic was really hurting bad, so I sat on there and let the water hit right on my chest and I had a sprayer that I put on my back...Ryan got out the ipod player and put U2 on, and Adele I specifically remember hearing them, and I totally got into a zone and things were happening.

I remember looking down and seeing colostrum running down my stomach, I was totally leaking, which meant oxytocin was pumping through my body and I was going to meet my little Van, soon!

At 4:00 I got out of the shower and was in so much pain! I concluded in the shower i was going to get an epidural so I decided to get it sooner than later.  It took awhile for them to get there and that was not fun, my mom had showed up while I was in the shower and she and Ryan pushed on my hips with each contraction to ease the pain and I HAD to be holding someones hand, so i grabbed their hands and they pushed on my hips, and if they weren't pushing hard enough I was not nice about letting them know : /

For some reason the anesthesiologist could not find the right spot, he stuck me 4 times, it was really frustrating, but I knew at the time it was better than back labor!

He finally got the epidural in and this was now about 6:00 I was dilated to a 4.

Time to rest, we shut the lights off, and I got some shut eye while Ryan and my mom played around on the iPAD.

9:00 feeling pressure but still at a 4 :(

10:00 feeling quite a bit a pressure, nurse checked me and I was at a 5, all i could think of was how long this was taking! But I kept in the back of my mind that I went from a 5 to a 10 in twenty mins with Finley.

10:05 UUHHHHHH CHECK ME, nurse says "honey you're at a 7...wait you're having a contraction..oh wow you just went complete" holy moly time to push!

this is where things got interesting.

 i started to feel! i think the epidural was wearing off! i was screaming very VERY bad words, it hurt so bad, but there was nothing we could do, i was shaking uncontrollable, which happens when you transition and OMG the pressure, i felt pressure with my other two...but NOTHING like this, it was PRESSURE and PAIN like there was nothing you could do to not push.

time out: all day there was only 2 other women in labor..all of us..and all 3 of us were complete and ready to push at the same time, and only 1 doctor...i hear them screaming VERY bad words as well..the doctor was not in my room and i HAD_TO_PUSH so push I did..and Van came down like he was riiiight there, I hear a baby cry across the hall, and the doctor came running in and said ok go ahead, pushed again and his head was out, pushed again and the doctor said to stop i had not opened my eyes up until this point....everyone's faces looked stressed..i'd seen these faces before because my other two babies had the cords around their necks, wrapped around 2 times, both of them..and I thought oh no not again.  Curren and Finley both look like blueberries in their first pictures, and Van's are the same.  He had the cord around his neck twice and the dr told me to stop pushing so he could clamp and cut it first. So he did, and the next contraction Van was out! The second he was out, Dr. Coyle said, "You good?" "yup!" so they put Van on my chest and everyone but 1 nurse ran across to deliver the 3rd baby.

He ran across the hall to deliver the 3rd baby...whose mama was screamin! The girl who was "waiting" for the dr was directly across the hall from me and both our doors were open so the nurses were yelling back and forth "you need me?!" "want me to come in there???" while I was pushing.  One of the nurses actually dropped my leg and Dr. Coyle caught it, she had to run to the 1st baby that was born because there was some complications, it was kind of mom had to jump in and hold my leg and hold the monitor on my stomach and they were telling her all kinds of things to do cause the other nurses bolted out of there!

Little Van my bundle of love! He was soooooo cute! Looked so much like Curren and Finley, he was a perfect combo. Within minutes of him being born he started rooting around looking to nurse. I put him on and he nursed for 1 1/2 hours STRAIGHT, the only reason he stopped was because we had to move rooms!  My doctor came back in and checked me about a 1/2 hour after Van was born, no tears or anything, which was such a relief, I thought since he came out so quick some damage had been done. But I was very lucky.

After all the waiting to be induced I actually got MY doctor, who just happened to be the on call dr. that night, I was so happy. I LOVE DR. COYLE!  Van was 7.14 lbs and 21 1/2 inches long.  The pediatrician noticed a heart murmur the morning after he was born, but with God watching over him, it had cleared by the next day. I was SO scared. I had never had anything wrong with my babies so that was terrifying! But lots of prayer healed him, I am so thankful!  We ended up staying 2 days because they wanted to monitor his heart, they had a pediatric cardiologist do an ultrasound and run and ekg.

One last story for the story...since Van came out so fast, he had lots of amniotic fluid still in him..didn't get the chance to squeeze out.  So after his 1 1/2 hour nurse session, he did not nurse for almost a full 24 hours, he just kept throwing up amniotic fluid, i kept trying and trying and I was really worried cause thats a long time to not nurse! I called a friend, who is a lactation consultant and she said the same thing the hospital LC said...his tummy is just upset, once he gets all the fluid out he will start to nurse...and lord did he.  The 2nd day he nurse non stop all night, i could not get a break and I was so tired! i had been on day 6 of virtually no sleep...i did something I would have NEVER done as a first time mom...I called the nurse and asked her to hold him for a few hours so I could sleep ( she offered earlier in the night but i declined) she took him at around 2 am and just held him and bounced him to sleep...i woke up at 4:30 in a panic and ran out into the hallway looking around and she was like, "Mrs. Thompson i'm right over here" and there she was just sitting behind the desk holding Van while he slept, she was the sweetest! Feeling a little recharged I took him back into bed with me and he nursed all day too. He has been a great nurser! I love how at CMH the babys stay with you, and there is no nursery, it's so good for the nursing relationship! Here are some pics for ya:

perfect little bundle nugget of happiness!

Van's Great Grandparents (Grandma and Grandpa Quack Quack)

Van and Grandpa Mike

This picture kills me dead, because I have never seen Curren so proud! My mom took him right over to meet Van, as soon as he was out of preschool and he was SOOO excited!!!

My BOYS together for the first time

Van and Nammie

My mom and dad brought Curren back that night, along with Big Sister Fin..who took right to Van and we think she thought he was a doll!

Van and Tappa

my bbs

"beeeeeep" welcome to being the third child, Van!

Ryan and his little guy

This picture kills me, dead!

going home outfit

going home! i'm sorry but I cannot look nice after having a baby, there are those of you who can, and you're amazing! but i cannot!

Nana Babe, Van's great grandma was so anxious to see him when we got home, she comes over all the time and just holds him, he loves it!

Creative Outlet VENT

here is a modge podge of unorganized thoughts for ya.

i used to be creative. i really did, i swear! I used to be into clothes, and accessories..not to the max but i enjoyed shopping and putting cute outfits together. i used to love art. i used to LOVE photography, i still LOVE photography, but i have no time! it makes me so sad sometimes. motherhood and being a wife provides so much fulfilment in so many ways. but that fulfilment is not fulfilling me as a person right now. having a bigger house is awesome, the space is fantastic, but the upkeep is insane! i'm constantly cleaning something, or picking up toys, feeding the baby or the older know all the normal stuff, it is absolutely non stop from wake up till the kids are in bed, and that is fine i love every minute..well maybe 90% of the time... but i need to carve out some ME time. this is not me being sad because i'm a stay at home mom, i wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING, i love what i do, love my kiddies, love that i'm the one to eat lunch with them every day and be the one who is there for them when they are hurt, or need to tell someone something, or want to play hide and seek with...20 times a day. but i feel something tugging at me to being back my creative side. i have this blank canvas of a house to decorate and furnish, and a few years ago i would have been so excited but now all i see am i ever going to be able to cruise thrift stores and estate sales for amazing finds with the baby and the kids and and and...its very overwhelming. plus to do that i need money...maybe i should go back to waitressing at night, i love it, and i can make some extra money to do some stuff for me.  im at the awkward stage of post pregnancy where your maternity clothes are slipping off but your normal jeans still are not suitable to wear in public! so freaking yoga pants and white T's for now. I got instagram on our ipad 1 the other day (no camera so i can just browse) but i love the idea of it, it's an easy creative outlet, and i want an iphone (or any smart phone) basically just for instagram! is that weird? i feel like it would be so fun. I remember after I had curren i would see other mom's at target..and think WOW i better not ever stoop to that level of walking around in public with no make up, sweats and sandals...weeeeell i've stooped, sometimes giving 100% of yourself to your house/kids/husband will just suck the LIFE AND YOUR WILL TO LIVE right out of you, haha. I think "oh i'll just run in real quick and not see anyone" freaking high school reunion EVERY time! I need to get it together and turn up the burner on that spark inside me before it burns out for good.

i'm like, obsessing over my carpets, wth has happened to me? i used to be the one always having people over and organizing stuff to do at my house...and now i'm like so worried about my damn carpets i am considering not even having Finley's birthday party at our house (which i wanted to do a costume/dress up party) i gotta get it together, seriously...i gotta stop vacuuming. who am i? what the hell?

i think this has to do with coachella posts, i used to be so into music!!! shows every weekend, downloading amazing stuff to inspire me...i can't even tell you where my ipod is right now. all the damn coachella posts..each time i saw one i thought "i hope i'm still young enough to go to coachella by the time i actually can go!" it looks pretty amazing.

feels good to write this out, so at least i'm admitting to myself that it's gone TOO FAR! aaaaany ways lets all say a prayer i get an iphone. all i need is an iphone and to get skinny and all my issues will be gone!

I can enjoy my kids/husband/house and keep myself alive, i can i can i can.


i need to blog about Vans birth still! i'll do that now.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Contribution to Pinterest! Baby Girl Head Band Use

I am not the craftiest of the crafties...but I thought this was cute.  Finley wore her headbands for like.. a few months and then ripped them off every time, so I have a surplus of these adorable little cotton headbands lying around. I slipped one up my bathroom towels and I think it came out cute! You could do it on your kitchen towels hanging over your oven too. Pin IT? Pin it.

Pretty darn cute on my little Miss too <3

Follow Me on Pinterest

Friday, February 3, 2012

Brain Overloaded and Spilled on Blogger

My brain is going about 180983 MPH right now. I thought maybe if I jot down whats swirling around like freaking Tornado Alley on roids inside my skull right now..that would help.

So I know I am having a baby...oh lord the tears, here come the tears....regroup

OK so I know I am having a baby. I have known for about 9 months now...but within that 9 months my body is focused on building this baby cell by cell, but my BRAIN is focused on; Curren and getting him transitioned into preschool, physical therapy getting Finley to walk, my house, the laundry, the weeds,  the daily deets, birthday parties, yard work, teaching my kids, loving my husband and making sure he is happy, you know...alllllll the normal day to day and as the days pass by, Van keeps growing getting bigger and bigger, Van and I have our moments throughout the day of little kicks and me saying hey there little buddy...sorry I missed that football your brother lobbed at me, gotta work on my catch, and I hope Finley singing Twinkle Twinkle at the top of her lungs while laying on my (your) tummy didn't hurt your ears too bad!  At night is when Van, Ryan and I get some time just us, laying in bed watching him roll all over, and round house kick my lungs... talking to him about how excited we are for him and how we can't wait to see who he looks like.  Taking in these moments and really being present in them is something I have really tried to do throughout this pregnancy.  As I've mentioned, this is our last baby and I want to really enjoy all these special pregnant times.

These past few weeks have been insane as we just bought a house and are in escrow, and I am nesting like a crazy person.  The nesting phase kicked in full force one day and I am trying so hard to keep my house up as much as possible just in case I go into labor.

The last open spot of real estate in our current house..was my underwear drawer so that is where all of Van's clothes are, his little cradle is next to my bed full of blankets, and all the essentials.  What else do you need? I mean really...boobs, the Ergo, clothes and're set.

This whole needing to pack, but needing to keep things tidy and accessible is really messing with the's like the two opposite ends of magnets that can't come together!

We are now debating as to when to close escrow and actually move in to the new house (which is almost 3 times bigger than our current house!!!!!) ah the space...all that space i cannot wait. it will be completely empty but I am hoping that will be a nice distraction from the baby for Curren and Fin to play their fav game of hide and seek.  Our options are to move in the end of this month, or mid march.....hard to decide what will be easier, baby-wise.

I often think things are a fantastic idea...and as these ideas are coming to life I then think, what the hell was I thinking? I'm pretty sure this will be happening in the weeks to come. A new born? Moving? A 1 and 3 year old in the midst of it all? Now I am thinking aahhh it's no big D, it will be nuts for a few weeks then we will be fine.  I just don't want to lose my mind, thats all- I'm def. going to lose my mind..who am I kidding. Gotta TRY to keep that in tact.  Hopefully Van is healthy as a horse, a great nurser with a great latch, and is a happy camper.  I know how hard a newborn CAN be...but I also know how easy a newborn CAN be  so let's hope for the easy.

Labor...I am going to birth this baby out of my body and it will be the last time! Craziness. I've been pregnant and or nursing for  4 plus years now...and I am really REALLY REALLLLLYYYYYY looking forward to having my body back to myself! Nursing is not a big deal, that I can do....but these pregnancies have resulted in 1 year and 3 months of morning sickness..over 2 years of just being pregnant within the last 4... and I am so happy to never have to deal with that again! Not to mention sciatica..and all that fun stuff that takes over your body.  I am really looking forward to that moment of meeting our son and just taking him all in and feeling him in my hands and arms! aahh i can't wait.  it's like when you're a kid and you're going to Disneyland and you can't sleep cause your so excited...except i don't know when Disneyland is coming!

All these exciting things to come, I am ready to embrace them, and take things one thing at a time...well maybe like three things at a time, but shit I've been doing that for awhile now and I've held it down, I can do it again.

God has been so good to us, I am so grateful for all the huge blessings we've had in the past years and he continues to bless us and keep us under his wing.  I am seriously so thankful!

We have tons of amazing family and amazing friends who have already told us how much they will help...and I'm totally taking them up on it and will appreciate every cup they unpack, every meal they bring,  and every decision they make without me knowing :)

This blog could not be any more unorganized or more shuffled up, but it helps for me to get things out of my brain and put onto paper.

There, now I feel better.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bringing your 6 year old to see IMMORTAL

Had a little datie date date night with Ryan the other night...he got a gift cert to the movies for his BDAY so naturally, he picked the movie.  Even though I was REALLLY hoping he'd want to see Breaking Dawn part 1, (he even offered..what a guy) I was like, No babe..whatever you want to see I'm up for.  IMMORTAL was the chosen one.

"Sounds great babe! I love sci fi war movies, mixed with Greek Mythology!  son of a b i will never see Breaking Dawn

So we settle into our seats with our DIBS (mint chocolate in case you were wondering) and the movie starts. 
It's those louuudddd deep horns you hear, you on Lord of the Rings when those Giant Elephants are charging? Or on 300 when the two armies are running so fast towards each other, swords drawn...bows pulled? By the way, why in the world- when in a sci fi battle- do they charge each other from like, 7.25 miles away? When they colide...wouldn't they just all pile up and be like OW OW OW OW OW as they are stepping on other people swords beneath them? I dunno.  Its like when the Arctic Crabs came together from two different currents last week on nat geo and made a pile so high everyone died and never got anywhere. AANNNYYWAY

We're sitting in our seats, the Titans are in their cages waiting to escape, abs are everywhere ABS ABS ABS (not complaining here) shields, swords, capes and abs. CLANK CLANK fighting and colliding of mind wonders...

I would be the best wife EVER if I could find Ryan sword lessons..can you even imagine? If a groupon comes up I'm buying that thing so fast it won't even be funny- he would love me forever, i'm adding groupon LA cause there is no way groupon Ventura County will ever have sword lessons

Ok this movie is actually pretty good.  I find myself asking questions like, "Ok so the only way the Greek Gods can intervene in Mortal War, is if the Titans are released?" I feel goosebumps coming on as the Peasant who has special powers and is in it for revenge for the other side slicing his mother's throat (isn't that the way it always goes?) yells "FIGHT FOR YOUR MORTALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and again, the two sides collide from 7.25 miles away.

Then I hear it...whimpering and crying..."WHAT IN THE HELL IS THERE A KID IN HERE?" I thought I said that in my head but then I hear Ryan say "ssshhhh Sarah!"

I whip my head around and I see none other but a crying (and FREAKED OUT) little boy sitting behind me, I say he's 6- Ryan says 8, regardless...the mother instinct kicks into HIIIIGH gear.  I'm bullet sweating thinking how I don't want to ruin this movie for Ryan but seriously what's on the screen right now?

Oh a son watching his mom's throat get slit

Oh monsters getting their heads sliced off

OPE women getting burned alive

A guy getting his MAN AREAS ruined for life so he can never PROCREATE (hello immortal....)

I start thinking, maybe I can just offer to take him and get some candy (and call CPS)?

Maybe I should turn around and say What in the HELL is wrong with you??????

Maybe I should just keep quiet and not ruin Ryan's movie. 

Ryan is squeezing my leg like 'zip it seeb' this happens sometimes in situations with Ryan and I. Although I am getting better and holding my tongue there may or may not have been some instances when Ryan couldn't hold me leg hard enough.

I lose my interest in the movie and am just focusing on giving them dirty looks.

Then the scene comes on of a VIRGIN in her moments of becoming NOT a virgin..and I hear..

"Papi...let me watch it..Papi I wanna seeeeeee" I turn around and NOW he is covering his son's eyes. NICE

I am proud of myself because I actually didn't say anything, it was REAL hard. That poor kid...not to mention this kid was out at 9:00 at night, had school the next day and was CHOWING down 2 boxes of candy NBD.

I can't say I will do this next time, so if  you bring your 6 year old to a rated R movie and I'm there, I will not be keeping quiet!!  And all in all Immortal was a great movie, if ABS, fighting, gory body parts being thrown about (i was pretty impressed with how much of my Anatomy class i remembered), and battle, oh and virgins, many virgins.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving-Yo Gab Live-VTA Harbor Weekend

 We had a nice little Thanksgiving weekend..Ryan had some jobs to do here and there (which we were THANKFUL for, but he got to stay home for a lot of it) I have to admit, Thanksgiving did NOT start off with a very thankful vibe.  Unfortunately it started out..the way most holidays start out (which sucks), with fighting of where we will go...what much time..trying to coordinate it with the kids naps so we don't have to deal with grumpy children all day..if you have kids maybe you can relate?  Both of the kids happened to wake up at 5:00 that morning so naps were a definite must.  Ryan's family was doing their get together during Finley's nap time she and i were going to stay home while Ryan and Curren went...well since Curren got up at 5, he needed to take a nap otherwise he would be a beast at my family's house in the afternoon..Ryan ended up just staying home with us, while they napped, since he didn't want to go to his family's for just an hour then have to come back to go to mine.  So we ended up figuring it out..coming to an agreement that from now on we will just swap years back and forth and just go one place, cause it's just too much stress trying to be everywhere at one time.  Maybe things will be easier when we don't have napping kids and we can drag them all over.  So we ended up just going to one place, the whole day and it was really fun for everyone! We went to my cousin's who lives two houses up and she had the whole house so beautiful and inviting and a huge table with cute little name tags for everyone, crafts for the kids..the whole 9 she and her husband went all out...TONS of food, and all the kids played and had a great time.  We were going to do dessert at another house, but the kids were tired and it was time to go.  Holidays are hard around here, I have a lot of family with lots of traditions, and Ryan's family has their traditions, and it seems like  no one is every happy when trying to find a balance of your time.  Such is married life right? Two families- gotta work it out. The day ended up really nice, and not stressful..everyone was fat and happy :) I'd be interested to hear how you guys do things with your families.

these are our little cousins singing a Thanksgiving Day song, and reading a prayer they wrote for the family, it was so sweet..they remembered family members that are no longer with us..and really wrapped up what Thanksgiving is all about.

 the next day..Curren and I went down to L.A. to see YO GABBA GABBA LIVE! My mom surprised us with tickets to go with our neighbors and good friends Marcella and Pella. It was soooo fun! It was great chatting it up with Marce on the way down, love that girl.  Plex fell asleep on the way down, Peej just chilled and chatted up a storm!

 Curren dancing on his seat, and doing the ROBOT dance out front of the Nokia Theater

                                              Pella lookin for her friends Brobee and Foofa!
                          The pretty Friedrich LADIESSS

It was a serious show! It was so cool to see all the kids totally FREAK OUT when the characters came out, and I have to admit...I was totally stoked to see the real DJ Lance! He's so cool with all his wild moves. BIZ was the best part for me! He totally got this little tiny white girl named Madeline to bust out some serious beats, it was awesome!! He got the crowd really going.  It was such a great show, and I loved seeing Curren so excited and just in awe! I love going on little dates with him, my best little buddy.

We ate at the ESPN zone, chicken fingers and fries all around! Pella was so sweet just chattin it up and being her silly self.  Curren really loves Pella, and couldn't keep his paws off her! Next year we will have to do it again!
We finished off the weekend by going to the Ventura Harbor to see a little tide pool exhibit they have out there (FREE FYI!) it was a great way to wrap up the fun weekend.  Now I'm looking outside at the Christmas lights twinkling and can't wait for the holiday season to come.  It's going to be so fun this year!
"Don't take my PICTURE MOM!!!"

Van baby is getting large and he is definitely in charge of my body.  Oh and got my test results back and everything is AOKAY...PHEW.  So thanks for your good thoughts and prayers :) I can't wait to meet my littlest man!!! 2.5 more months to go

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